

🎈 雙語政策 與 Discovery頻道 #跨界合作 🎈 優質的英語課程開放給 #全民免費學習🤩 


🌏Begin your Bilingual Discovery🌌

🎬雙語政策YouTube頻道於每周上架看紀錄片學英語【Game Show 夯科技】系列影片
影片與 Discovery頻道合作
內含 #雙語政策規劃的英文課程#Discovery的高品質影片
增進英語力的同時也豐富各項知識💡💡💡 ​
課程也同步上架 #雙語資源網 #專業課程專區
鎖定我們🔔每週一、週五準時上架 讓雙語政策攜手 Discovery 開啟你的探索✈️

​ 🎈 Bilingual Policy and Discovery Channel Collaboration 🎈
High-quality English courses are now available to the public for free! 🤩
 🎬 The Bilingual Policy YouTube channel will release new episodes of the "Who is Tech-savvy? Learn English with Tech" series every week in collaboration with the Discovery Channel. These videos feature English courses curated by Bilingual Policy, along with top-notch content from Discovery. Let's boost our bilingual skills and expand our knowledge simultaneously! 💡💡💡 ​
Start learning now! 👉 https://reurl.cc/5OXra6
You can also find all these fantastic courses on the Bilingual Portal! 👉 https://reurl.cc/dm9o0y
Stay tuned with us! 🔔 We'll upload new content every Monday and Friday on YouTube and Bilingual Portal.
Let Bilingual Policy and Discovery broaden your horizons! ✈️